About the Journal

The Propontica Journal, deriving its name from the Sea of Marmara (Propontis), aims to bring scientific articles to the attention of the academic sphere whose focus will mainly be on the cultures around the Sea of Marmara together with others from the Mediterranean and the Black Sea basins. To do so it welcomes any paper written on the subjects of Protohistory, Classical Archaeology, Underwater, Ancient Languages and Cultures, Ancient History, Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Numismatics, Anthropology, Archeometry and Protection and Preservation of Cultural Assets and spanning periodically from the Prehistoric Ages to the end of Late Antiquity.

The Propontica Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal that is published twice a year in June and December. It accepts original and qualified articles, either written in Turkish or English, that promise to bring innovation to its field or fill a gap in its field, offer new approaches or recommendations, evaluate studies addressed with a scientific method or offer new insights into previously published studies.

Propontica Dergisi, Haziran ve Aralık aylarında olmak üzere yılda iki sayı olarak yayınlanmakta olup Türkçe ve İngilizce yazılmış, alanına yenilik getiren, özgün ve nitelikli, kendi alanında bir boşluğu dolduracak, yeni yaklaşımlar ya da öneriler sunan, bilimsel bir yöntemle ele alınan çalışmalara veya daha önce yayımlanmış çalışmaları değerlendiren, bu konuda yeni görüşler sunan makalelere yer veren uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir.