Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Authors

The articles submitted to the journal must be original and not have been published or submitted to any journal or book apart from the verbal, poster, or abstract formats. The author(s) must submit an article following the journal's specified 'Publication Principles'.

The articles submitted by the author(s) are expected to be original. If the author(s) benefit from or use other studies, they must completely and accurately refer to and/or cite them, and their articles should include references with publicly available sources of information.

Authors should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to conducting or interpreting the submitted article. Persons who did not contribute to the content scientifically and intellectually during the whole process should not be specified as authors. The corresponding author is responsible that all researchers involved in the study have been designated as co-authors, and all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and have agreed to submit it for publication.

Authors that have already submitted an article to the Propontica Journal are expected not to submit the same article to another journal at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application. An article published in another journal cannot be submitted.

If any situation and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest are evident within the studies submitted for publication all should be explained in detail.

If the article was derived from the author's master's/doctoral thesis or a project, it should be indicated.

All persons, institutions or organizations that have partially or fully supported the study forming the core of the article submitted for publication as well as their way of contribution into it should be indicated.

The author(s) must have a document showing that they have the copyrights of the data used, the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or the consent of the experimented subjects.

If the author(s) notices an error or mistake related to the article that is published, in early view or under review, they should inform the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor in correcting or retracting.


Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors

The Editorial Board should ensure that journal policies such as blind peer review, review process, and ethical principles are determined and implemented.

The Editorial Board is responsible for each submitted article. All decisions taken by the editors are independent of other people and organizations.

The Editorial Board should take measures against non-scientific content, plagiarism, and attribution errors in the publication process of the journal.

The Editorial Board should electronically keep the records of correspondence with the reviewers of each article or correspondence related to the journal.

When editors request information on the status of the authors' articles, they should inform the authors about the status of their articles without disturbing the double-blind peer-review process.

Editors should pay attention that articles are indeed original and contribute to the academic sphere and that the research method is valid and suitable for the aim and scope of the journal.

Editors choose the reviewers of each article by considering their area of expertise and should ensure that the article is evaluated impartially and on time.

Editors should intervene in non-academic and non-scientific reviews.

Editors must protect the intellectual property rights of articles.


Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers


 - should only agree to evaluate studies related to their area of expertise.

- should evaluate with impartiality and confidentiality.

- who are not experts on the subject of the article or who will not be able to complete the review of the article in the given time should notify the editor of this situation. Furthermore, if they think that they are facing a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, they should refuse to review the article and inform the journal editor.

- should destroy the studies they have reviewed after the evaluation process in accordance with the principle of confidentiality. They can only use the final versions of the studies they have reviewed after they are published.

- should objectively make the evaluation only concerning the content of the study. They should not allow nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political views, and commercial concerns to affect the evaluation.

- should make evaluations in a constructive and gentle language. They should not make derogatory personal comments that include hostility, slander, or insults.

- should evaluate the article they have accepted to evaluate on time and in line with the abovementioned ethical responsibilities.


Violation of Ethical Rules

The Editorial Board of the Propontica Journal is obliged to initiate an investigation on the article in case of suspicion of copyright and plagiarism during both the review process or following its publication. If any copyright and plagiarism issues are detected during the evaluation process of any article , the whole process will be terminated, and the article will be returned to the author. If copyright and plagiarism are found within an article following its publication, the article will be retracted.


Plagiarism Policy

The Propontica Journal is strictly against any act of ethical violation or plagiarism done intentionally or unintentionally. Following their submission articles are first reviewed and approved by the chief editor and the editorial board within the framework of the relevant criteria and later are screened for "plagiarism" through the iThenticate or Turnitin programs. Following the screening made on the body text of the article, by excluding the bibliography, references, and catalogue, any article with more than a 10% similarity rate in the report will not be accepted for publication. However, when the editorial board considers it necessary, it will contact the author(s) of articles with a similarity rate between 10% and 30% but still promise to contribute to the field, for ensuring that the article will be accepted for publication provided that the similarity rate is reduced to less than 10%. However, articles with a similarity rate exceeding 30% are rejected, considering that they are weak in terms of originality and contribution to the field.


Double-Blind Peer Review

Following the plagiarism check, eligible articles are evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of originality, methodology, the importance of the subject discussed, and compatibility with the journal's scope. After this process, the editors ensure that articles go through a fair double-blind peer review by the reviewers to be determined by experts in the scientific advisory and editorial board. The editorial board is responsible for submitting the article with a positive preliminary review to the evaluation of at least two and at most three reviewers that are determined by the scientific advisor and the editorial board. The reviewers can either be from within the scientific advisor and the editorial board or from the country and/or abroad. The article, which had received positive opinion from at least two reviewers and designated as suitable for publication, is typest and edited under the control of the Editorial Board, and made ready for publication. 



The article is retracted if there is clear evidence that the findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper reference, permission or justification, the article is plagiarized, or the article reports unethical research.

Retractions can be published when authors discover significant scientific errors, and in other cases, the Editors or Editorial Board may conclude that retraction is appropriate. In all cases, the reason for the retraction and who is responsible for the decision are indicated.


Declaration of Intellectual Property Liabilities

The Propontica Journal is a journal that includes scientific studies. Intellectual property rights are protected by the authors. The Propontica Journal has a clearly defined statement about the ethical rules that the authors submitting their articles must follow, and each article goes through a rigorous peer-review process. Therefore, like every scientific journal, the Propontica Journal cannot guarantee the accuracy of every statement in the articles it publishes or that no part of the article has been improperly copied from a previous work. Thus the journal largely relies on the scientific community and authors to resolve the rights of each published work and the validity of the claims made. However Propontica quarantees that with its role as a journal, it acts quickly and decisively when a legal issue arises.


Complaints and Feedback

Complaints and feedback can be sent to If there are complaints from readers, they will be answered within 1 month from the date of publication of the article.

Feedback to authors isas short letters from readers about the reported results or methods used in a published article. When feedback is received, it will be shared with the authors and, if possible, with the Comment and Reply sections. Complaints and Feedback may be subject to peer review at the Editor's discretion.


If You Face an Unethical Situation

If you face any unethical behaviour or content in the Propontica Journal other than the above mentioned ethical responsibilities, please contact the Propontica Journal editors.


Publication Policy

Propontica Journal is an international peer-reviewed e-Journal published twice a year, published by the Ondokuz Mayıs University Archeology Department. Special issue(s) can also be published if deemed necessary within the scope of the journal.

The scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal entirely belongs to the author(s), and the journal and editors cannot be held responsible in this regard.

Authors are responsible for checking the copyright and usage permissions of the sources and materials (pictures, drawings, graphics etc.) they use. The Propontica Journal does not accept any responsibility for problems arising from copyright issues. The author(s) accept all responsibility in this regard.


Open Access Policy

The Propontica Journal adopts the open source access policy. Users can read and download all the articles published in the journal as full text, print out the articles and benefit from these articles in their scientific studies by giving references. There is no need for permission from the publisher and author(s) for this.


Objection to the Evaluation Results

Authors reserve the right to object to the opinions of the Editorial Board and Scientific Committee of the articles evaluated by the Propontica Journal. Authors are expected to send their reasons for objection regarding the evaluation result of their work to Objections are reviewed by the Editorial Board, and positive or negative answers are sent to authors within one month at the latest. If the authors' objections are found positive, the Editorial Board assigns new reviewers and starts the evaluation process again.