Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


The Journal of the International Law and Diplomacy Society implements the principles and rules based on the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in order to ensure the highest level of academic and the ethical rules specified in the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive issued by the Council of Higher Education. 

All studies submitted to our Journal must be original, not published elsewhere and not sent to another platform for publication. After the manuscripts submitted to the Journal are reviewed by the editor, they are evaluated by double-blind referee evaluation method, in which the identities of the author and referee are hidden. Plagiarism, duplication, false authorship/denied authorship, research/data fabrication, salami slicing, publishing by slicing, copyright infringement and concealment of conflict of interest are considered unethical behaviors.

It is accepted that the authors have checked the manuscripts they sent to the Journal and are ready for publication as such. Manuscripts, which are determined not to be prepared in accordance with the publication principles of the Journal in the preliminary examination made by the editorial board, can be returned to the author for correction in accordance with the publication principles before being sent to the referee. Our Journal has the right to request output files of the analysis results from the authors according to the feedback given by the editor and/or referees. If corrections are requested in the referee's report, changes can only be made by the author within the framework of the specified corrections. In line with the report from the referee, it will be decided to publish the manuscript, to request corrections from the author within the framework of the report or to reject the manuscript, and the author will be informed of these developments as soon as possible.

Publication requests for works that are found to be against the relevant principles and standards during the publication evaluation process are rejected. In case such a determination is made in terms of the works published in the Journal, the relevant work is removed from the publication and a relevant explanation is made in the section where the article was removed.

The Journal of the International Law and Diplomacy Society adopts the principle of open access. No fee is charged for article submission, acceptance and access to the Journal. Readers can read the full text of the articles in the Journal, copy and reproduce the articles, and use the information in the article by citing, without seeking permission from the publisher or the author, without any commercial purpose.


The Journal of the International Law and Diplomacy Society is run by undergraduate and graduate students under the leadership of the International Law and Diplomacy Society within the body of Ondokuz Mayıs University Ali Fuad Başgil Faculty of Law, under the supervision of expert academics.

In terms of Scientific Committee and Advisory Board, Ondokuz Mayıs University Ali Fuad Başgil Faculty of Law faculty members are the natural referees/members of the Journal.

The Journal of the International Law and Diplomacy Society has the status of "Peer-Reviewed Journal" and only works that pass peer review are published in the Journal.

The Journal of the International Law and Diplomacy Society completes the first examination result within 10 days from the day the work is sent to the Journal, and the referee processes within the following month.

The Journal of the International Law and Diplomacy Society is bound by national and international academic principles and ethical values ​​in its publication policy.